
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Lycia Sampaio;Damico” ,找到相关结果约2931条。
Experimental models of autoimmune inflammatory ocular diseases
Gasparin, Fabio;Takahashi, Beatriz Sayuri;Scolari, Mariana Ramos;Gasparin, Filipe;Pedral, Lycia Sampaio;Damico, Francisco Max;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492012000200016
Abstract: ocular inflammation is one of the leading causes of blindness and loss of vision. human uveitis is a complex and heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by inflammation of intraocular tissues. the eye may be the only organ involved, or uveitis may be part of a systemic disease. a significant number of cases are of unknown etiology and are labeled idiopathic. animal models have been developed to the study of the physiopathogenesis of autoimmune uveitis due to the dif?culty in obtaining human eye inflamed tissues for experiments. most of those models are induced by injection of speci?c photoreceptors proteins (e.g., s-antigen, interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, rhodopsin, recoverin, phosducin). non-retinal antigens, including melanin-associated proteins and myelin basic protein, are also good inducers of uveitis in animals. understanding the basic mechanisms and pathogenesis of autoimmune ocular diseases are essential for the development of new treatment approaches and therapeutic agents. the present review describes the main experimental models of autoimmune ocular inflammatory diseases.
New approaches and potential treatments for dry age-related macular degeneration
Damico, Francisco Max;Gasparin, Fabio;Scolari, Mariana Ramos;Pedral, Lycia Sampaio;Takahashi, Beatriz Sayuri;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492012000100016
Abstract: emerging treatments for dry age-related macular degeneration (amd) and geographi c atrophy focus on two strategies that target components involved in physiopathological pathways: prevention of photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium loss (neuroprotection induction, oxidative damage prevention, and visual cycle modification) and suppression of inflammation. neuroprotective drugs, such as ciliary neurotrophic factor, brimonidine tartrate, tandospirone, and anti-amyloid β antibodies, aim to prevent apoptosis of retinal cells. oxidative stress and depletion of essential micronutrients are targeted by the age-related eye disease study (areds) formulation. visual cycle modulators reduce the activity of the photoreceptors and retinal accumulation of toxic fluorophores and lipofuscin. eyes with dry age-related macular degeneration present chronic inflammation and potential treatments include corticosteroid and complement inhibition. we review the current concepts and rationale of dry age-related macular degeneration treatment that will most likely include a combination of drugs targeting different pathways involved in the development and progression of age-related macular degeneration.
Corpo a corpo com as jovens: Grupos focais e análise de discurso na pesquisa em educa o física
José Damico
Movimento , 2006,
Abstract: El presente artículo tiene por objetivo apuntar algunas de las potencialidades analíticas en investigaciones con grupos focales que se plantean en las perspectivas pos-estructuralistas, y analizan informaciones por medio del análisis del discurso El texto está basado en una disertación de maestría que investiga los modos como las jóvenes mujeres significan, aprenden e viven, en la contemporaneidad el cuidado de su cuerpo.
Rasuras disciplinares e amputa o de fazeres
José Damico
Movimento , 2011,
Abstract: El ensayo haz una reflexión sobre algunas posibilidades de los profesionales de educación física actuaren en el campo de la salud colectiva con base en la lógica de la integralidad en la salud. Busca poner en tensión algunos puntos centrales en la lógica hegemónica de los discursos direccionados a la actividad física y salud en el área de la educación física. Sugiere que la superación de ese cuadro demanda una cirugía de amputación del saber disciplinar que establece relaciones sujeto-objeto para que se pueda desmedicalizar la demanda y escuchar la subjetividad que está en la queja de los individuos.
Angiogênese e doen?as da retina
Damico, Francisco Max;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27492007000300030
Abstract: angiogenesis is the process involving the growth of new blood vessels from preexisting vessels which occurs in both physiologic and pathological settings. it is a complex process controlled by a large number of modulating factors, the pro-and antiangiogenic factors. the underlying cause of vision loss in proliferative retinal diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, are increased vascular permeability and choroidal neovascularization, and vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) plays a central role in this process. vegf is produced in the eye by retinal pigment epithelium (rpe) cells and is upregulated by hypoxia. there are four major biologically active human isoforms, of which vegf165 is the predominant in the human eye and appears to be the responsible for pathological ocular neovascularization. besides being a potent and specific mitogen for endothelial cells, vegf increases vascular permeability, inhibits endothelial cells apoptosis, and is a chemoattractant for endothelial cell precursors. vegf is not the only growth factor involved in ocular neovascularization. basic fibroblast growth factor (bfgf), angiopoietins, pigment epithelium-derived factor (pedf), and adhesion molecules also play a role in the pro- and antiangiogenic balance. advances in the understanding of the bases of pathological ocular angiogenesis and identification of angiogenesis regulators have enabled the development of novel therapeutic agents. anti-vegf antibodies have been developed for intravitreal use, and other approaches are currently under investigation. these new drugs may be powerful tools for the treatment of the leading causes of irreversible blindness in people over age 65.
O cuidado com o corpo como estratégia de sujeitos generificados
José Geraldo Soares Damico
Movimento , 2007,
Abstract: El presente artículo es parte de una disertación de maestría que investiga los modos como las jóvenes mujeres significan, aprenden e viven, en la contemporaneidad el cuidado de su cuerpo. La análisis se plantea en el campo de los estudios de género, en las corrientes próximas con la perspectiva pos-estructuralista de Michel Foucault. Se utiliza el instrumento de "análisis del discurso" para el examen de narrativas de estudiantes de una escuela publica. En este trabajo, el enfoque son los movimientos que permiten dar un novo significado a los cuerpos generificados de los tiempos contemporáneos.
Revendo A História Da Educa o Sexual No Brasil: Ponto De Partida Para Constru o De Um Novo Rumo
Mary Neide Damico Figueiró
Nuances : Estudos sobre Educa??o , 2009,
Abstract: Este artigo apresenta, inicialmente, um apanhado geral da história da Educa o Sexual no Brasil. Em seguida, e delineada uma síntese da história da Educa o Sexual em uma das cidades do sul do Brasil, de significativa posi o econ mica e social, a fim de estabelecer uma ponte de reflex o entre o que se tem registrado na história da Educa o Sexual do pais como um todo e na história de cidades n o alocadas no eixo Rio–S o Paulo. Conclui-se que o entendimento dos fatos históricos podem oferecer elementos para mudar o rumo da história e pode ser útil ao educador para poder envolver-se concreta e afetivamente com a Educa o Sexual e repensar o seu processo pessoal de prepara o e envolvimento com esse tipo de educa o. A partir deste ponto, o apanhado geral que se apresenta da história da Educa o Sexual no Brasil foi retirado da disserta o da presente autora, intitulada: "Educa o Sexual no Brasil: Estado da Arte de 1980 a 1993". USP, 1995. Uma media de 250 professores, sendo a maioria de 1a a 4a series e alguns de 5a a 8a. A coordena o do Projeto e de responsabilidade da autora deste artigo.
Uma nova proposta para o estágio de pratica de ensino em psicologia
Mary Neide Damico Figueiró
Semina : Ciências Sociais e Humanas , 1991, DOI: 10.5433/
Abstract: The objective of this work was to propose a new alternative for the Teaching Practicum in Psychology which could provide better experiences for the licentiate student in the Educational field in terms of quality and in regards to the community needs. The methodology of this work consisted of planning, accomplishing and evaluating the extension courses and events of 20 or 30 hours taught by the licentiate students to Primary and Secondary school students, teachers of pre, school and primary school, nursery employees and the community in general. The results showed that in a significantly higher proportion the licentiate students considered, the experience in Teachining Practicum and the contribution of it to his/her professional career to be excellent. The clientele, as a whole, evaluated positively the quality of the courses and the range of the proposed objectives. It was concluded that the new alternative has brought new improvement to the Teaching Practicum, providing an integration of students of Higher Education with the primary and secondary teaching and the community in general" in favor of the knowledge democratization. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi propor uma nova alternativa para os estágios de Prática de Ensino em Psicologia que aprimorasse as experiências do licenciando no campo da Educa o, dando mais qualidade a esses estágios, num vínculo com as necessidades da comunidade. A metodologia consistiu no planejamento, execu o e avalia o de cursos-evento-extens o de 20 ou 30 horas pelos licenciados junto a alunos de 1° e 2° graus, professores de pré-escola e 1° grau, funcionários de creche e comunidade em geral. Quanto aos resultados, os licenciandos avaliaram, numa propor o significativamente maior, como sendo ótima a experiência em Prática de Ensino e a contribui o do estágio para a sua vida profissional. A clientela, em sua totalidade, avaliou de forma positiva a qualidade dos cursos e o alcance dos objetivos propostos. Conclui-se que esta nova alternativa trouxe aprimoramento ao estágio de Licenciatura, favoreceu a integra o do 1° grau com o ensino de 1° e 2°graus e comunidade em geral, priorizando a democratiza o do saber.
Sexual Education: Problems of conceptualization and basic terminology adopted in the brasilian academic and scientific production Educa o sexual: problemas de conceitua o e terminologias básicas adotadas na produ o acadêmico-científica brasileira
Mary Neide Damico Figueiró
Semina : Ciências Sociais e Humanas , 1996, DOI: 10.5433/
Abstract: Aiming at working out in detail the state of knowledge of the academic and scientific production of Sexual Education in Brazil, during the period comprising 1980 to 1993, the analysis of Dissertations, Theses, books, journal articles and other works presented in scientific events was carried out. One of the goals was to investigate the basic terminology adopted to refer to Sexual Education and the concepts of Sexual Education present in the publications. The lack of pattern for basic terminology as well as the lack of a clear and straight forward theatrical position regarding the concept of Sexual Education were detected. Besides, differences, incoherence and/or confusions were also found, in some texts, in the attempts made to classify the types of Sexual Education. Theoretical subsidiaries which lead to uniform and scientifically valid patterning of basic terminology, conceptualization and classification are presented in this work. Com o objetivo de elaborar o estado do conhecimento da produ o acadêmico-científica da Educa o Sexual no Brasil, do período de 1980 a 1993, foi realizada a análise de Disserta es, Teses, livros, artigos de periódicos e trabalhos apresentados das preocupa es foi investigar quais as terminologias básicas adotadas para referir-se ao trabalho de Educa o Sexual e quais os conceitos de Educa o Sexual presentes nas publica es. Detectou-se a falta de padroniza o de uma terminologia básica e de uma posi o teórica clara e objetiva quanto ao conceito de Educa o Sexual. Além disso, diferen as, incoerências e/ou confus es foram ainda encontradas, em alguns textos, nas tentativas de classifica o dos tipos de Educa o Sexual. S o apresentados subsídios teóricos que direcionam para uma padroniza o da terminologia básica, conceitua o e classifica o uniformes e cientificamente válidas.
‘Show me what it’s supposed to look like’: Exploring mindfulness
Angelica Fulchini,Caitlyn McKinzie Bennett,Nicole Damico
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/1478210318765322
Abstract: In an era of top-down mandates and neoliberal reform policies, early career teachers must receive sustained social and emotional support as part of their regular professional development in order to navigate the murky waters of education that can sometimes feel disempowering and disillusioning. Teachers in high-poverty urban schools, who often deal with additional variables like student achievement gaps, disparate funding and high teacher turnover, among myriad other hurdles, are often highly impacted by these policies. This study examined the experiences of a group of early career teachers in an urban school district that participated in a mindfulness-based professional learning intervention. Findings show that participants not only experienced increased self-efficacy in assuaging personal and professional stressors, but also connected newly acquired strategies to the ways they supported the diverse students in their classrooms. Implications from this study suggest that learning about mindfulness-based strategies in an informal group setting can be beneficial for teachers, both personally and professionally, as they navigate the tensions of beginning their careers embedded in “the neoliberal program of reform”

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